Celiac Lost in the Spotlight

We are grateful for the welcoming press coverage we’ve received from local, national and international media for our book, Celiac Lost: A Family Guide to Finding a Gluten-Free Life. We love sharing our personal experience through podcasts, news articles, magazines and Facebook live interviews. Take a look!

What fun being on a podcast interview hosted by Sue Jennett from A Canadian Celiac Podcast. Listen by clicking on the image above.


Facebook Live Interview

Shelly and Celiac Lost were featured on Facebook Live interview with Morning Source hosted by Donna Vissman. Click here or on the image above to listen to the brief but informative interview.


The beginning! First article in local paper

The Williamson Herald printed an article about our journey and the making of Celiac Lost. It’s also available online.


Brentwood Lifestyle Magazine Article

Special article in Brentwood Lifestyle sharing one of our favorite recipes.

Article in Canadian newsletter, The Celiac Scene

The Celiac Scene, a well respected Canadian online newsletter, blog and website, found Celiac Lost through social media and wrote an online article featuring their book and journey. You can read the article by clicking here or on the image above. You can also subscribe to the organization’s newsletter at www.theceliacscene.com.


Nationally recognized Gluten Intolerance Group

Article in Gluten Intolerance Group about supporting loved ones with celiac disease.